The Windsor-Essex Ontario Health Team is made up of various committees, sectors, working groups and project teams, each working collaboratively to deliver on six key priorities:
1. Integrated Care through PHM and Equity Approaches:
Improving health outcomes of the OHT’s population using equity-based and Population Health Management (PHM) approaches.
2. System Navigation:
Improving patient access & experience by redesigning processes to make it sinpler for people to find and access the health and social services they need.
3. Readiness for Integrated Home Care Delivery:
Building knowledge and awareness of integrated home care models operated by member organizations, leading to the eventual delivery of home care via OHTs.
4. Collaborative Leadership, Decision-Making and Governance:
Establishing effective OHT collaborative decision-making arrangements to advancing integrated care, accountability structures, integrated performance management & quality improvement measures.
5. Primary Care Engagement & Leadership:
The involvement of physicians, primary care providers and other clinicians in the OHTs, remains foundational to OHT success and should be a driver of OHT activities and structure.
6. Data and Digital:
Advancing the adoption of certain provincial digital health priorities (ex. Online Appointment Booking- OAB) and mobilize digital health tools to improve patient care, enhance health system coordination, strengthen health privacy and reduce administrative burden faced by health providers.
OHTs are expected to ensure equity considerations remain embedded across all priority areas.

Steering Committee
The Steering Committee includes representation from the chairs of each sector table, plus additional persons agreed upon by the committee. Decision-making power rests with this group. They manage detailed planning and implementation activities necessary to oversee the work of the WEOHT. They are responsible for community engagement, identifying health care priorities, creating an appropriate set of working groups to establish and execute the overall work plan, and for establishing and overseeing a secretariat to support our work in improving healthcare in Windsor-Essex.
Partnership Council
The Partnership Council includes representation from all member organizations and the Patient, Family, and Caregiver Council, as well as other relevant stakeholders. The council is a key body for engaging and building consensus for direction of WEOHT strategy as well as sourcing of support for implementation through participation in working groups.
Advisory Groups
The two WEOHT Advisory Groups provide expertise and insight regarding WEOHT projects and workings.
Sectors & Working Groups
The WEOHT is composed of specific sectors that work together to advance and improve the health care of people in Windsor-Essex through advice and consultation. The chair(s) of each sector will also serve as the sector representatives on the Steering Committee.
Other Intiatives
Internal Team
The internal team ensures that the WEOHT pushes forward and is responsible for all backbone supports (e.g. document sharing, meetings, improvement projects, etc.). There are five internal team members:
- Executive Director
- Executive Transformation Lead
- Administrative & Communications Lead
- Health System Integrated Lead
- Project Manager, Decision Support Lead
- Mental Health & Addictions Lead
- Indigenous Engagement Lead
- Primary Care Lead