Primary Care Provider Accuro EMR A-Z Training Series
Do you wonder what’s NEW with Accuro? Do you want to learn tips and tricks? Do you feel you need to refresh your Accuro skills? Free to join and open to any Accuro Users (physician, nurse practitioners, medical office staff, nurses, social workers etc.):
Middlesex London Ontario Health Team has invited Primary Care staff in Windsor-Essex to take part in FREE Accuro EMR training.
What is this: This is an “Accuro A to Z” learning series
Where: Virtual (with “live trainer”)
When: Sessions run between 12:15-1:15pm from October 10th to December 3rd. You can sign up for the ones that interest you most at the link below.
Register here:
Once registered, you will receive an outlook calendar invitation with a “zoom link” for the sessions you selected (outlook calendar invitations will be sent out starting Monday Oct 7th)
Note: These sessions will not be recorded, howver, you can always access videos from the Accuro Learning Library.