University of Windsor Fundamentals of Race & Anti-Racism Course for WEOHT Partners
The Windsor-Essex Ontario Health Team aims to achieve a diverse, equitable and inclusive (EDI) empowered environment to address health equity in Windsor-Essex. Through funding provided by Ontario Health, the WEOHT was pleased to offer 90 seats to their partner organizations for the Univeristy of Windsor Fundamentals of Race & Anti-Racism course.
This generalist course will focus on issues related to race and its origins, anti-Black Racism, and the construct of whiteness. Through case studies and the sharing of experiences, participants explore their own relationships to power, privilege, oppression to enhance their awareness within their personal and professional interactions.
Learning outcomes include:
- Enhanced vocabulary around issues of race, racism, ethnicity, and equity.
- Increased knowledge about systemic and interpersonal racism.
- Developing understanding of how political, economic and social-cultural practice shape identity, power, privilege and oppression.
- Demonstrated capacity for critical self-reflection and increased awareness of unconscious bias, prejudice, and microaggressions.
- Identification of promising strategies to comprehensively address anti-Black racism within our society and the workplace.
For more information on the course, visit the University of Windsor here.