Ontario Corporate Training Centre (OCTC) – Disability Inclusive Hiring

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As the WEOHT strives towards improving the health outcomes for our equity deserving communities, the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Anti-Racism (EIDA-R) Working Group also recognizes the importance of equitable hiring practices across our WEOHT partner organizations.

The Ontario Corporate Training Centre (OCTC) is a new project aimed at empowering businesses with the tools, knowledge, resources and confidence needed to embrace disability inclusive hiring, and foster diverse workplaces. Supported by the Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) and funded by the Government of Canada, this project will foster strength-based collaborations and transform the employment landscape for people who have a disability. 

This includes five online learning modules that are 20 to 30 minutes per person available in both English and French as well as enhanced services. The five learning modules include General Learning, Co-workers & Staff Teams, Managers & Supervisors, Human Resources, and Executive Leadership. 

OCTC is working with four sectors including manufacturing, skilled trades, healthcare and hospitality & tourism. There is no cost for businesses to participate and they must commit to the term of the project by providing on-going reporting such as a quick monthly check in by phone or virtual online meeting.

The WEOHT is hosting a virtual information session on October 30th to our partners to learn more about the training to bring back to their teams. For WEOHT partners, reach out to weohtteam@weoht.ca for more information.

For other organizations that are interested in learning more about OCTC they can contact Liz Gosse at lgosse@odenetwork.com or 1-866-280-6336 ext. 115

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