OHT Data dashboard
Ontario Health began releasing the OHT Data Dashboard in September 2022. The purpose of the OHT Data Dashboard is to provide OHTs with interactive reports to understand their attributed population and assist with health system planning. The complete OHT Data Dashboard is expected to be released in 10 parts over this fiscal year. The 10 sections of the OHT Data Dashboard are:
- Population Overview
- Health Conditions By CIHI Grouper
- Hospital Utilization
- PROMs – Patient Recorded Outcome Measures
- Community Based Care
- Flow and Access
- Primary Care
- OHT Priority Populations
- Cost of Care
November 2022 saw the release of a portion of the cQIP (collaborative Quality Improvement Plan) report in the OHT Data Dashboard. The WEOHT is currently working with it partners to review and validate the data released in the cQIP.