An update from the Downtown Mission’s Phoenix Recovery Program
Pictured above: Graduates and participants of the Phoenix Recovery Program.
The Phoenix Recovery Program has been going strong. We have had a huge uptick in attendance over the last quarter. We are averaging 9-12 clients per day with a good Recovery turnaround.
The Phoenix Program is a 12-Step Cognitive Behavioural Therapy program. Our program is 12-weeks long, along with aftercare after graduation. We have moved from separate programs for men and women to co-ed programming. Our program is being promoted across the city and referrals are coming from various organizations. Within Phoenix Recovery we also work within a harm reduction model. For those who believe abstinence isn’t their main goal we work with them to help them get to where they need to be in life.
We also have one-on-one counseling available for those who work or have issues making it to group. We also provide family counseling for those affected by the disease of alcoholism.