Mobile Medical Support
Mobile Medical Support (MMS) is a community liaison team of healthcare professionals looking to help clients in High Priority Communities (HPC) overcome barriers that prevent them from seeking healthcare and linking into community resources. Our goal is to help navigate clients in need by providing health assessments, follow-up care, assistance with forms and referrals to definitive care.
If you would like to receive regular updates on MMS operations, please e-mail to request addition to our mailing list.Â
Follow MMS on social media @windsoressexmms.
Services provided
- Primary care check-ups (e.g. prescriptions, referrals)
- Chronic disease support (e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, diabetes)
- Preventative care (e.g. vaccinations, fecal immunochemical test, Pap test, mammogram referrals, health teaching)
- Testing (e.g. Covid-19, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy)
- Wound care
- Foot care
- Mental health support
- Substance/addiction services (e.g. overdose prevention, harm reduction supplies)
- Community connections (e.g. housing assistance, forms, Ontario Works, social supports)Â
Current Mobile Medical Support clinic location:
Crowley Park
3325 College Avenue, Windsor, ON, Canada
Smile Wagon @ Welcome Centre
Essex County Homelessness Hub (Indoors)
Holiday Inn & Suites Windsor
Holiday Inn & Suites Windsor
Kingsville Community Centre
Kingsville Community Centre
House of Sophrosyne (indoors)
Chez Nous – Assisted Living Southwestern Ontario (ALSO)
Onsite request form
Would you like to have the MMS unit come to your organization or visit your location? Please use the request form below to contact us with the details: