Equity, Inclusion, Diversity & Anti-Black Racism (EIDA-R) Free Resources
The Windsor-Essex Ontario Health Team is working collectively to remove barriers to health care in Windsor-Essex. Below are free resources available for all WEOHT partner organizations:
Addressing Anti-Black Racism – introduction to Anti-Black Racism eLearning Module is an informative and engaging module that is designed to support health service providers and their learners, staff, and physicians in their Anti-Black Racism learning journey – Anti-Black Racism e-Module Training
Introduction to Gender Diversity – this course is intended to offer basic information for staff working directly or indirectly with gender diverse clients within health care, mental health, and social work services – Introduction to Gender Diversity
Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health – The Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health Project (IRMHP) offers online training, tools and resources to settlement, social and health service professionals working with immigrants and refugees – Immigrant & Refugee Mental Health
Indigenous Relationship & Cultural Awareness Courses – a series of 13 online courses to help individuals working with First Nations, Inuit, Métis and urban Indigenous people. The courses support a call to action made in the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada report– Cancer Care Ontario
French Language Active Offer – online training on the active offer of French language health care services. This training was developed by the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l’Ontario (Réseau) – Active Offer
French Language Active Offer – Entite 3 Active Offer
French Language Cultural Sensitivity Training – 6-hour learning program includes an introduction and three modules. Each module will contain written and interactive material such as case studies, quizzes, videos, reflection boxes and evaluations – French Language Sensitivity