SafePoint: Consumption and Treatment Services Site
The virtual site tour video of SafePoint has officially launched. Located at 101 Wyandotte Street East, it is the first health facility to offer supervised consumption services in the City of Windsor. As part of SafePoint’s commitment to community engagement, the video was created to provide community members with a walk-through experience of the site, explaining the services that are offered and how clients interact with staff as they access supports.
In addition to the video, the WECHU continues to offer in-person open house tours at SafePoint every Friday morning between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on a walk-in basis. All community members are welcome to visit the site during the open houses to learn more about the services offered. Pre-registration is not required at this time.
SafePoint’s hours of operation are Monday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Clients do not need a health card or referral to access services.
Click here to learn more about SafePoint and the services provided.